Sunday 28 June 2009

England 2009

I was informed last night that I had many "cute"  american traits.  Somehow, my strange nerd habits like collecting and posting my theatre tickets make me American.  The giant Oregon flag over my bed didn't phase my friends in the least, but tickets to shows I've seen since arriving does...

Still working on that one...

Last night was the last show in our festival of new work.  The show was about the current culture of England and the experience of the MAATP class of 2009.  We were broken into companies and given a place in England.  The next morning (9:30 when the Jubilee line was down.  I wanted to cry) we were given boxes with video, sound and photographs.    About 7 hours later, we performed.  The interesting thing about my group, the Dover company, was that we had no English people.  Oddly, our group seemed to be well received.

Is this England? Is this England? Is this England?

In other news, other than cutely American, apparently my friends think I am beautiful, creative, kind and a "great big lesbian."  When I stopped laughing, I asked why.  No one could give me an answer.  To be fair, they don't actually think I'm a lesbian, they just think I'm greedy.


But, if the frustration with English men gets bad enough to turn me lesbian, I think I will just go home.

Friday 5 June 2009

"The Savage Attack on April's Wall" by Jenn and Melissa

April Alexander, you are about to get double-posted!



April Alexander, you have just been double-posted!


Or maybe she said? A he can be double posted as well

With strap-ons?

We are in the theatre and literature worlds. Not porno you sicko.

Some of us want to go work in film. And we all know that porn is when you fail at getting into the movie business.

"Just don't get it in my eye!"

It burns us, it burns us!

*head turns a 360* and *spits pea soup*

*refuses to masturbate with a crucifix*

oh, dude, you are so missing out. let yourself be penetrated by the spirit of the lord

I will not be Jesus' mother!

No, you can't be because I cast Heidi and I think I'm done doing religious satire for, like, the rest of my life

Can I be the dinosaur that's being fed?

You would have to audition. Impress me. Astonish me!


I liked the live version better. I'm sorry April, Jenn can't seem to express her inner T-Rex in text

It is very difficult to express facial expressions and stomping around in text.

It goes like this: *clears throat* RAAAAAAAAAAWR!!! *stomp stomp* GRRRRRRR >:O

There are not enough interesting keys on the keyboard to properly capture my amazing velociraptor impression that was perfected behind the scenes during Wild Oats.

Oh, I don't know. I have seen people with too much time on their hands do some pretty amazing things with slashes and whatever this is called: ~

That, my dear, would be called a tilde. And I may have looked that up on Wikipedia, but I'm not admitting to it.

brilliant! I was trying to google search that and failing

Always try Wikipedia first. And, I do what I can.

April can back me on the English school's hatred of Wikipedia. I can't tell you how many lectures we got. OMG the random function is AMAZING!!!

Seriously. I'm a little sad though. This is my last post on April's wall today. That makes me a sad panda.

Good game.

We were wrong! We need one more. And it's mine! This is like going into extra innings!